House Party: A Good Time for Everyone!

On Wednesday, June 28, 2023, we had a fun day and a successful fundraiser for the Old Church Gallery! Thanks to the support of our donors we more than met our fundraising goal with our annual Give Local NRV event page sponsored by the Community Foundation of the New River Valley .

Visitors toured the “Kindly Mirrors” photo exhibit, listened to old-time tunes, saw a display of early Brownie cameras, and sampled homemade brownies in homage to how the Kodak Brownie camera popularized photography more than 100 years ago.

Great thanks also to the local musicians–Andy Buckman, George Slusher, Daisy Slusher, Charlie Thompson, Mac Traynham, and Mark Lewis–whose music enlivened the party! Also thanks to Quentin Horn, Citizens Telephone Coop, for filming events and exhibits during the day. See his video here: Old Church Gallery Community Show.