Join Us: Volunteer Projects

There’s always a project or two on our schedule, and we welcome you to join us! Find volunteer projects here, and visit our Oral History Partners and Acknowledgements pages to learn more about our community endeavors.

We welcome new volunteers and match your talents with our needs. During the pandemic months, we have had volunteers working from home, volunteers airing coverlets, volunteers photographing and measuring pieces in our permanent collections, volunteers planting annuals and pruning shrubs, volunteers editing and formatting interview materials, volunteers coming to the Gallery House to clean, volunteers fundraising, volunteers giving tours to small groups, volunteers mailing book and shop sales, volunteers answering questions from family researchers, volunteers mounting virtual exhibits on Facebook, and volunteers creating this new website. We have a place for you – and we’d welcome you to join us!

Neighbors join together to work and play as we build this place of memory and develop our permanent collections.

When we can safely reopen for visitors, we’ll need volunteers for three hours, once a month, on a Friday afternoon or Saturday morning, during the Old Church Gallery’s open hours. These folks greet visitors and share information about our programs and exhibits.

If you would enjoy helping out with our projects, please e-mail:

or send a note with your contact information to: Old Church Gallery, PO Box 41, Floyd, VA 24091

In forty-plus years, we haven’t run out of things to do. Please join us!