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Coverlets, Cultural Objects
Vaughn Woolen Mill Overshot Coverlet (blue, pink)
Associated Person: Fielding VaughnAssociated Person: Nettie Vaughn
Burks ForkMaterial/Medium
Wool, cotton
- Pattern: undetermined as yet
- Colors: navy, pink, white
- Dimensions: 98 1/2 x 84 inches
- Panels: three (28 inches wide)
- Finishing: 4 inch cotton fringe was machine-stitched around the edges
This overshot coverlet was woven prior to 1903 by an unknown weaver in the Vaughn Woolen Mill. The navy, pink, and white pattern was woven in three panels. Fringe was added around the edges at some point.
Vaughn Woolen Mill, overshot coverletBio Sketch
Fielding and Nettie Vaughn were the original owners of this coverlet. Fielding’s father and uncles started the Vaughn Woolen Mill.
This is one of two coverlets in the collection thought to have been woven at the Vaughn Woolen Mill before larger looms were added in 1903.