Baskets, Cultural Objects

General McAlexander Rib Basket (small)

Maker/Creator: General Washington McAlexander
Bethlehem, Pilot ((Little River District)

White oak

  • Diameter (ear-to-ear): 9 inches
  • Diameter (opposite): 9 inches
  • Height of weaving: 5 inches
  • Height with handle: 10 inches

This white oak rib basket has a double rim secured with figure-eight lashing. The  rims are overlapped and secured to the handle with red twine and nails. Its ribs are widely spaced and flattened.  The weaver splits are evenly spaced from the ears (starting points) until the final rows in the center of the bottom; there gaps remain.

rib basket, egg basket
Bio Sketch

General Washington McAlexander (1904-1999) and his wife Minnie Lee Bowman McAlexander grew up in Patrick County but spent most of their married life in Floyd County where they brought up their children Arthur, Archie, and Minnie Ruth. Two daughters, Hazel and Sarah Lou, died very young.


General and Minnie McAlexander were of a generation that took great satisfaction in doing for themselves.  They grew large gardens and farmed while working at “public works” jobs.  General built some of their furniture and took up basket making in his later years.  He was known to stand on his oak baskets to demonstrate how stout they were.